Found 7 boys and girls with the meaning of wilde's
Meaning of Dorian In English, Dorian means Descendant of Dorus. Dorian was a character in Oscar Wilde's novel The Picture of Dorian Gray who was given his wish that his portrait would age while he remained young and handsome More
Meaning of Dorian In English, Dorian means Descendant of Dorus. Dorian was a character in Oscar Wilde's novel The Picture of Dorian Gray who was given his wish that his portrait would age while he remained young and handsome More
Meaning of Dorien In Greek, Dorien means Descendant of Dorus. Dorian was a character in Oscar Wilde's novel The Picture of Dorian Gray who was given his wish that his portrait would age while he remained young and handsome More
Meaning of Dorien In Greek, Dorien means Descendant of Dorus. Dorian was a character in Oscar Wilde's novel The Picture of Dorian Gray who was given his wish that his portrait would age while he remained young and handsome More
Meaning of Dorion In Greek, Dorion means Descendant of Dorus. Dorian was a character in Oscar Wilde's novel The Picture of Dorian Gray who was given his wish that his portrait would age while he remained young and handsome More
Meaning of Ern In English, Ern means A variant spelling of the German Earnest, meaning serious determined, earnestness or vigor, from the Old German Ernust. Famous bearer More
Meaning of Ernestine In English, Ernestine means A variant spelling of the German Earnest, meaning serious determined, earnestness or vigor, from the Old German Ernust. Famous bearer More
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