Found 22 boys and girls with the meaning of tribe
Meaning of Bahlol In Muslim, Bahlol means Leader of a tribe, Jester More
Meaning of Cherokee In Native American, Cherokee means People of a different speech. One of the largest American Indian tribes More
Meaning of Cheyanna In Native American, Cheyanna means an Algonquian tribe of the Great Plains and Capital city of Wyoming More
Meaning of Cheyanne In Native American, Cheyanne means an Algonquian tribe of the Great Plains and Capital city of Wyoming More
Meaning of Cheyenne In Native American, Cheyenne means An Algonquian tribe of the Great Plains. Capital city of Wyoming More
Meaning of Chiana In Native American, Chiana means an Algonquian tribe of the Great Plains and Capital city of Wyoming More
Meaning of Chianna In Native American, Chianna means an Algonquian tribe of the Great Plains and Capital city of Wyoming More
Meaning of Dann In Hebrew, Dann means Judge. Biblical fifth son of Jacob and founder of one of the twelve tribes of Israel. An independent name and also an abbreviation of Daniel More
Meaning of Ewind In Scandinavian, Ewind means From the Island of the Wends (the Wends were an ancient Scandinavian tribe) More
Meaning of Gipsy In English, Gipsy means Derived from 'Egyptian' to describe wandering tribes of dark Caucasians who migrated from India to Europe in the fifteenth century More
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