Found 6 boys and girls with the meaning of timothy
Meaning of Claudia In Biblical, Claudia means A feminine form of Claud, aLatin Claudium meaning lame. Claudia was mentioned in the book of Timothy in the New Testament More
Meaning of Gladys In Latin, Gladys means A feminine form of Claud, aLatin Claudium meaning lame. Claudia was mentioned in the book of Timothy in the New Testament, and has been common in the English-speaking world since the 16th century More
Meaning of Silas In Biblical, Silas means from a Greek name meaning 'forest; woods.' In the bible Silas was a missionary companion of Paul and Timothy More
Meaning of Timon In Biblical, Timon means Honorable, worthy More
Meaning of Timon In Biblical, Timon means Honorable, worthy More
Meaning of Timothy In Greek, Timothy means God's honour; God fearing More
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journey | joyful | judah |
judge | judged | judges |
judgment | judicious | julias |