Found 11 boys and girls with the meaning of slang
Meaning of Jock In Hebrew, Jock means God is gracious. A . Today, Jock is commonly used as a nickname for someone who is heavily involved in sports and has been used in the past as a nickname for a Scot or as a slang term for a Scottish soldier More
Meaning of Matilda In Teutonic, Matilda means Battle maiden More
Meaning of Mattie In Aramaic, Mattie means Lady More
Meaning of Maud In Teutonic, Maud means Strength in battle. Matilda was the wife of William the Conqueror. Used in Australia as slang for a bushman's pack More
Meaning of Maude In Teutonic, Maude means Strength in battle. Matilda was the wife of William the Conqueror. Used in Australia as slang for a bushman's pack More
Meaning of Paddy In Irish, Paddy means noble. Paddy is also sometimes used as a slang term for Irishman or for a temper tantrum More
Meaning of Paddy In Irish, Paddy means noble. Paddy is also sometimes used as a slang term for Irishman or for a temper tantrum More
Meaning of Pansy In Greek, Pansy means After the flower by the same name. Pansy is not popular today as a result of its use as a slang term for a homosexual or an effeminate man More
Meaning of Patty In Aramaic, Patty means Lady More
Meaning of Tilda In Swedish, Tilda means Battle maiden More
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