Found 80 boys and girls with the meaning of referring
Meaning of Baithazar In Greek, Baithazar means Protect the king, The Greek form of the Old Testament Bel-shazzar, referring to the Babylonian god Bel, One of the Magi mentioned in Matthew's story of the Na-tivity was Balthasar More
Meaning of Balthasar In Greek, Balthasar means Protect the king, The Greek form of the Old Testament Bel-shazzar, referring to the Babylonian god Bel, One of the Magi mentioned in Matthew's story of the Na-tivity was Balthasar More
Meaning of Bentley In English, Bentley means Derived from a surname and place name referring to a clearing covered with coarse grass. From the bent grass meadow More
Meaning of Bentley In English, Bentley means Derived from a surname and place name referring to a clearing covered with coarse grass, From the bent grass meadow More
Meaning of Boyd In Celtic, Boyd means Blond More
Meaning of Caesar In Danish, Caesar means Antony and Cleopatra', Octavius Caesar, Roman triumvir, 'The Tragedy of Julius Caesar' Julius Caesar, Roman statesman and general More
Meaning of Calva In Latin, Calva means A name referring to Venus More
Meaning of Capita In Latin, Capita means A name referring to the Minerva More
Meaning of Capta In Latin, Capta means A name referring to the Minerva More
Meaning of Cinthia In Greek, Cinthia means One of the names of the mythological moon goddess Artemis referring to her birth on Mount Cynthus More
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