Found 198 boys and girls with the meaning of mother
Anticlea / 8 letters 
Meaning of Anticlea In Greek, Anticlea means Mother of Odysseus More
Anya / 4 letters 
Meaning of Anya In Russian, Anya means A. In Virgil's 'Aeneid', Anna was sister of Dido, Queen of Carthage. According to an apocryphal gospel, Anna was also the mother of the Virgin Mary More
Assa / 4 letters 
Meaning of Assa In Latin, Assa means Mother of Simon More
Astrid / 6 letters 
Meaning of Astrid In Norse, Astrid means Divine strength More
Augusta / 7 letters 
Meaning of Augusta In English, Augusta means Introduced to Britian by the Hanoverians in the early 18th century, became popular until the beginning of the 20th century More
Autonoe / 7 letters 
Meaning of Autonoe In Latin, Autonoe means Mother of Actaeon More
Babette / 7 letters 
Meaning of Babette In French, Babette means A French , a Hewbrew name meaning 'My God is plentiful', now frequently used as an independent name More
Bess / 4 letters 
Meaning of Bess In Greek, Bess means From Elisheba, meaning either oath of God, or God is satisfaction More
Bessie / 6 letters 
Meaning of Bessie In Greek, Bessie means From Elisheba, meaning either oath of God, or God is satisfaction More
Bessy / 5 letters 
Meaning of Bessy In Greek, Bessy means From Elisheba, meaning either oath of God, or God is satisfaction More

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