Found 14 boys and girls with the meaning of growth
Meaning of Coral In English, Coral means A popular 19th century jewel name, from the name of the pink semi-precious sea growth used to make jewellery and ornaments More
Meaning of Coralie In English, Coralie means A popular 19th century jewel name, from the name of the pink semi-precious sea growth used to make jewellery and ornaments More
Meaning of Coraline In Greek, Coraline means From the coral of the sea More
Meaning of Denney In Greek, Denney means Dionysius is the mythological Greek god of wine responsible for growth of the vines and the originator of winemaking More
Meaning of Dennie In English, Dennie means Dionysius is the mythological Greek god of wine responsible for growth of the vines and the originator of winemaking More
Meaning of Dennie In English, Dennie means Dionysius is the mythological Greek god of wine responsible for growth of the vines and the originator of winemaking More
Meaning of Dennis In Greek, Dennis means As You Like It' Servant to Oliver More
Meaning of Dennison In English, Dennison means Dennis' son More
Meaning of Denny In Shakespearean, Denny means Dionysius is the mythological Greek god of wine responsible for growth of the vines and the originator of winemaking More
Meaning of Mae In Hebrew, Mae means Bitter More
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