Found 15 boys and girls with the meaning of grandeur
Adrammelech / 11 letters 
Meaning of Adrammelech In Biblical, Adrammelech means The cloak, glory, grandeur or power of the king More
Agustin / 7 letters 
Meaning of Agustin In Latin, Agustin means Deserving of respect More
Agustine / 8 letters 
Meaning of Agustine In German, Agustine means Majestic dignity, grandeur More
August / 6 letters 
Meaning of August In English, August means Introduced to Britian by the Hanoverians in the early 18th century, became popular until the beginning of the 20th century More
Augustine / 9 letters 
Meaning of Augustine In German, Augustine means From Augustus meaning magic majestic, dignity, or venerable. Augustine was the first Archbishop of Canterbury, sent to Britain as a missionary by the pope in the 6th century More
Augustine / 9 letters 
Meaning of Augustine In German, Augustine means From Augustus meaning magic majestic, dignity, or venerable, Augustine was the first Archbishop of Canterbury, sent to Britain as a missionary by the pope in the 6th century More
Augustus / 8 letters 
Meaning of Augustus In German, Augustus means Increased, augmented More
Azamat / 6 letters 
Meaning of Azamat In Muslim, Azamat means Grandeur, Pride More
Jalaal / 6 letters 
Meaning of Jalaal In Muslim, Jalaal means Grandeur. Glory. Glory of the Faith More
Jalal / 5 letters 
Meaning of Jalal In Muslim, Jalal means Loftiness. Sublimity. Glory. Also grandeur, glory, Glory of the Faith More

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