Found 8 boys and girls with the meaning of gloucester
Meaning of Anne In Hebrew, Anne means Favor. Grace More
Meaning of Edgar In English, Edgar means Fortunate and powerful. From the Old English name Eadgar, a compound of 'ead' meaning rich or happy, and 'gar' meaning spear. Famous bearer More
Meaning of Edmund In French, Edmund means King Henry IV, 1' Earl of March. 'King Henry VI, III' Edmund, Earl of Rutland and son to Richard Plantagenet. 'Tragedy of King Lear' Edmund, bastard son to Gloucester. 'King Richard The Second' Edmund Langley, Duke of York and uncle to the King More
Meaning of Eleanor In English, Eleanor means Aintroduced into Britain in 12th century AD by King Henry II's wife, Eleanor of Aquitaine More
Meaning of Gloucester In Shakespearean, Gloucester means Henry V' Duke of Gloucester, King's brother, uncle to 'Henry VI'. 'Henry VI, III' Richard Plantagenet's son, later Duke of Gloucester. 'Henry IV, II' Prince Humphrey. 'Tragedy of King Lear' Earl of Gloucester. 'King Richard II' Duke of Gloucester More
Meaning of Gloucester In Shakespearean, Gloucester means Henry V' Duke of Gloucester, King's brother, uncle to 'Henry VI'. 'Henry VI, III' Richard Plantagenet's son, later Duke of Gloucester. 'Henry IV, II' Prince Humphrey. 'Tragedy of King Lear' Earl of Gloucester. 'King Richard II' Duke of Gloucester More
Meaning of Humphrey In Teutonic, Humphrey means A compound of the words giant and peace. From the Old English name Hunfrith. Famous Bearer More
Meaning of Langley In Shakespearean, Langley means Englishman More
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stone | stood | stork |
strange | stranger | straw |
stream | strength | strife |
strives.or | striving | stroking |
strong | struggle | stutters |
style | subdued | subdues |
subjected | success | successful |