Found 24 boys and girls with the meaning of gender
Meredith / 8 letters 
Meaning of Meredith In Welsh, Meredith means Guardian of the sea. Great chief. This name can be given to children of either gender, but is more common among girls More
Meredith / 8 letters 
Meaning of Meredith In Welsh, Meredith means Guardian of the sea. Great chief. This name can be given to children of either gender, but is more common among girls More
Merry / 5 letters 
Meaning of Merry In Welsh, Merry means Guardian of the sea. Great chief. This name can be given to children of either gender, but is more common among girls More
Merry / 5 letters 
Meaning of Merry In Welsh, Merry means Guardian of the sea. Great chief. This name can be given to children of either gender, but is more common among girls More

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