Found 35 boys and girls with the meaning of formed
Meaning of Ablah In Muslim, Ablah means Perfectly formed More
Meaning of Aelfthryth In English, Aelfthryth means An Old English name formed as a compound of aelf, meaning elf, and thryth, meaning strength More
Meaning of Cali In Greek, Cali means Most beautiful. , Mythological Arcadian who transformed into a she-bear, then into the Great Bear constellation More
Meaning of Caliban In Shakespearean, Caliban means The Tempest' A savage and deformed slave More
Meaning of Calida In Spanish, Calida means Ardent More
Meaning of Calissa In Greek, Calissa means Most beautiful. , Mythological Arcadian who transformed into a she-bear, then into the Great Bear constellation More
Meaning of Calista In Greek, Calista means Most beautiful. Calista was a Mythological Arcadian who transformed into a she-bear, then into the Great Bear constellation More
Meaning of Calisto In Greek, Calisto means Most beautiful. , Mythological Arcadian who transformed into a she-bear, then into the Great Bear constellation More
Meaning of Callista In Greek, Callista means Chalice More
Meaning of Calysta In Greek, Calysta means Most beautiful. Calista was a Mythological Arcadian who transformed into a she-bear, then into the Great Bear constellation More
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