Found 3 boys and girls with the meaning of foreparts
Meaning of Griff In Welsh, Griff means Fighting chief; fierce. The fierce Gryphon of Greek mythology and medieval legend was a creature with foreparts of an eagle and hindquarters of a lion More
Meaning of Griffen In Welsh, Griffen means Fighting chief; fierce. The fierce Gryphon of Greek mythology and medieval legend was a creature with foreparts of an eagle and hindquarters of a lion. Note More
Meaning of Gryphon In Welsh, Gryphon means Fighting chief; fierce. The fierce Gryphon of Greek mythology and medieval legend was a creature with foreparts of an eagle and hindquarters of a lion More
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table-land | tabor | tailed |
tailor | takes | taking |
talbot | talented | taliesin |
talking | talks | talmai |
tamar | tamara | taming |
tantrum | tarrying | tatiana |
taught | taurinus | taurus |