Found 9 boys and girls with the meaning of desolation
Bashemath / 9 letters 
Meaning of Bashemath In Biblical, Bashemath means Perfumed; confusion of death; in desolation More
Ishma / 5 letters 
Meaning of Ishma In Biblical, Ishma means Named, marveling, desolation More
Ishma / 5 letters 
Meaning of Ishma In Biblical, Ishma means Named, marveling, desolation More
Jeshimon / 8 letters 
Meaning of Jeshimon In Biblical, Jeshimon means Solitude, desolation More
Jeshimon / 8 letters 
Meaning of Jeshimon In Biblical, Jeshimon means Solitude, desolation More
Shamhuth / 8 letters 
Meaning of Shamhuth In Biblical, Shamhuth means Desolation, destruction More
Shammah / 7 letters 
Meaning of Shammah In Biblical, Shammah means Loss, desolation, astonishment More
Shammai / 7 letters 
Meaning of Shammai In Biblical, Shammai means My name, my desolations More
Shammoth / 8 letters 
Meaning of Shammoth In Biblical, Shammoth means Names, desolations More

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