Found 3 boys and girls with the meaning of centuries
Meaning of Albina In Latin, Albina means A feminine form of Albin, borne by a 3rd-century saint. The name was popular in Britain in the 17th and 18th centuries More
Meaning of Elsie In German, Elsie means A , meaning 'my god is bountiful', or 'god of plenty.'. Also a diminutive of the Scottish Elspeth. More popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries than today More
Meaning of Ethelbert In Anglo-Saxon, Ethelbert means Name of a king More
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shadrach | shady | shaka |
shaken | shakespeare | shakespeare's |
shall | shallow | shamefaced |
shankar | shaped | share |
shares | sharp | shawn |
sheaf | shearman | shears |
sheep | sheepshearer | shelter |