Found 6 boys and girls with the meaning of books
Ezrah / 5 letters 
Meaning of Ezrah In Hebrew, Ezrah means Help. 5th century BC Jewish priest and scholar Ezra wrote three biblical books and began compiling and cataloging the Hebrew Scriptures that later formed the Old Testament More
Paul / 4 letters 
Meaning of Paul In Biblical, Paul means Little. Biblical apostle and evangelist Paul's letters to early Christians comprise many New Testament books More
Pentateuch / 10 letters 
Meaning of Pentateuch In Biblical, Pentateuch means The five books of Moses More
Pentateuch / 10 letters 
Meaning of Pentateuch In Biblical, Pentateuch means The five books of Moses More
Sepharvaim / 10 letters 
Meaning of Sepharvaim In Biblical, Sepharvaim means The two books, the two scribes More
Sepharvaim / 10 letters 
Meaning of Sepharvaim In Biblical, Sepharvaim means The two books, the two scribes More

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