Found 56 boys and girls with the meaning of bishop
Meaning of Agilberht In Anglo-Saxon, Agilberht means Name of a bishop More
Meaning of Aldhelm In Anglo-Saxon, Aldhelm means From the Old English Ealdhelm, meaning old helmet, common until the Norman Conquest, and revived in the 19th century More
Meaning of Anseim In English, Anseim means From the Old German Ansehelm, meaning god-helmet More
Meaning of Ansel In French, Ansel means Adherent of a nobleman More
Meaning of Ansell In French, Ansell means Adherent of a nobleman More
Meaning of Anselma In English, Anselma means Divine defender More
Meaning of August In English, August means Introduced to Britian by the Hanoverians in the early 18th century, became popular until the beginning of the 20th century More
Meaning of Augustine In German, Augustine means From Augustus meaning magic majestic, dignity, or venerable. Augustine was the first Archbishop of Canterbury, sent to Britain as a missionary by the pope in the 6th century More
Meaning of Augustine In German, Augustine means From Augustus meaning magic majestic, dignity, or venerable, Augustine was the first Archbishop of Canterbury, sent to Britain as a missionary by the pope in the 6th century More
Meaning of Bas In Greek, Bas means Royal, Kingly, St Basil the Great was Bishop of Caesarea in the latter half of the 4th century, This name was introduced into Western Europe by the Crusaders, Derived from the same Greek word as the plant name basil More
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