Found 20 boys and girls with the meaning of babylon
Aden / 4 letters 
Meaning of Aden In Hebrew, Aden means Attractive, handsome, pleasure given, Adin was a biblical exile who returned to Israel from Babylon More
Adin / 4 letters 
Meaning of Adin In Hebrew, Adin means Attractive; handsome; pleasure given. Adin was a biblical exile who returned to Israel from Babylon More
Adin / 4 letters 
Meaning of Adin In Hebrew, Adin means Attractive, handsome, pleasure given, Adin was a biblical exile who returned to Israel from Babylon More
Baithazar / 9 letters 
Meaning of Baithazar In Greek, Baithazar means Protect the king, The Greek form of the Old Testament Bel-shazzar, referring to the Babylonian god Bel, One of the Magi mentioned in Matthew's story of the Na-tivity was Balthasar More
Balthasar / 9 letters 
Meaning of Balthasar In Greek, Balthasar means Protect the king, The Greek form of the Old Testament Bel-shazzar, referring to the Babylonian god Bel, One of the Magi mentioned in Matthew's story of the Na-tivity was Balthasar More
Cyrus / 5 letters 
Meaning of Cyrus In Latin, Cyrus means As miserable; as heir More
Daniel / 6 letters 
Meaning of Daniel In Biblical, Daniel means Attractive. A translation of the Gaelic name Domhnall More
Darius / 6 letters 
Meaning of Darius In Egyptian, Darius means He that informs himself More
Darrius / 7 letters 
Meaning of Darrius In Greek, Darrius means Preserver; Darius the Mede assumed kingship of Babylon after its conquest by Cyrus More
Essie / 5 letters 
Meaning of Essie In Latin, Essie means A , Estelle, or Esther More

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