Found 6 boys and girls with the meaning of animal
Bodua / 5 letters 
Meaning of Bodua In African, Bodua means Ghanian name that means 'animal tail' More
Cashesegra / 10 letters 
Meaning of Cashesegra In Native American, Cashesegra means tracks of a large animal More
Elaskolatat / 11 letters 
Meaning of Elaskolatat In Native American, Elaskolatat means Nez Perce name meaning animal running into the ground More
Koshisigre / 10 letters 
Meaning of Koshisigre In Native American, Koshisigre means tracks of a large animal More
Noah / 4 letters 
Meaning of Noah In Biblical, Noah means Comfort; long-lived; repose. In the Bible, Noah built the ark, allowing his family and a male/female pair of every species of animal to survive the Flood More
Noah / 4 letters 
Meaning of Noah In Biblical, Noah means Comfort; long-lived; repose. In the Bible, Noah built the ark, allowing his family and a male/female pair of every species of animal to survive the Flood More

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