Found 4 boys and girls with the meaning of alighieri
Meaning of Dantae In Italian, Dantae means Enduring. The poet Dante Alighieri wrote The Divine Comedy with its graphic description of medieval Hell known as 'Dante's Inferno More
Meaning of Dante In Spanish, Dante means A , the Italian form of Durand meaning enduring. Famous bearer More
Meaning of Dantel In Italian, Dantel means Enduring. The poet Dante Alighieri wrote The Divine Comedy with its graphic description of medieval Hell known as 'Dante's Inferno More
Meaning of Daunte In Italian, Daunte means Enduring. The poet Dante Alighieri wrote The Divine Comedy with its graphic description of medieval Hell known as 'Dante's Inferno More
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stinking | stoker | stomach |
stone | stones | stony |
stood | stork | story |
stranger | strategist | straw |
stream | streams | strength |
strife | strives | stroking |
strong | stronghold | stubborn |