David / 5 letters
Swedish, American, Scottish, Welsh, Biblical, HebrewMeaning of "David"
- Swedish Meaning
In Swedish, The Name David Means Beloved Or Friend, Adopted From The Hebrew. David Was A Common Name Of Scottish Kings In The Middle Ages.- American Meaning
In American, The Name David Means Beloved Or Friend, From The Hebrew. Sixth Century St David (or Dewi) Was Patron Saint Of Wales.- Scottish Meaning
In Scottish, The Name David Means Beloved Or Friend. The Old Testament David Killed The Giant Goliath In 10th Century BC, Then Succeeded Saul As King Of Israel.- Welsh Meaning
In Welsh, The Name David Means Beloved.- Biblical Meaning
In Biblical, The Name David Means Beloved.- Hebrew Meaning
In Hebrew, The Name David Means Well-beloved, Dear'Rating
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donation | donor | double |
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dragons | draws | dreaded |
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