Cary / 4 letters
Celtic, American, English, Irish, WelshMeaning of "Cary"
- Celtic Meaning
In Celtic, The Name Cary Means From The Castle. 'Loving.- American Meaning
In American, The Name Cary Means From The Fortress.- English Meaning
In English, The Name Cary Means From The Fortress.- Irish Meaning
In Irish, The Name Cary Means Of The Dark Ones.- Welsh Meaning
In Welsh, The Name Cary Means Stream. Cary Became A Popular Masculine First Name In Mid-2Oth Century Because Of Actor Cary Grant, Whose Real Name Was Archibald LeachRating
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shire | shireman | shirt |
shiva's | shoemaker | shooting |
shore | short | shortest |
shoulder | shouldered | shouter's |
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sicinius | sidon | siggeir |
sighing | significant | signifies |