Found 517 boys and girls with the meaning of century
Verena / 6 letters 
Meaning of Verena In German, Verena means Defending friend More
Zandra / 6 letters 
Meaning of Zandra In Spanish, Zandra means A feminine form of Alexander meaning defender of men, used in Britain since early 13th century; it became popular after the marriage of the 1863 marriage of future King Edward VII to Princess Alexandra of Denmark More
Zena / 4 letters 
Meaning of Zena In Persian, Zena means Abbreviation of Zenobia, a third century Arab Queen More
Zenobia / 7 letters 
Meaning of Zenobia In Latin, Zenobia means Queen Zenobia was third century ruler of the wealthy Arabian desert city of Palmyra More
Zenobia / 7 letters 
Meaning of Zenobia In Latin, Zenobia means Queen Zenobia was third century ruler of the wealthy Arabian desert city of Palmyra More
Zita / 4 letters 
Meaning of Zita In Greek, Zita means Little hope More
Zola / 4 letters 
Meaning of Zola In French, Zola means Famous bearer More

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